Saturday, September 29, 2012

Packing Yourself: Putting it All Together


This morning I was in attendance, and filmed the event for 

Bits of what I heard led me into a change of heart concerning regional art center directors and their generosity.

As posted in the CAA Opportunities:
Type: Residencies, Workshops, Exchanges
Hosted by: CulturalDC & The Studio Visit
Saturday, Sept 29, 2012: 10am - 12pm
Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint - 916 G Street NW, Washington D.C.

"We’re teaming up with The Studio Visit again! Join us to learn best practices for packaging yourself as a visual artist at this FREE panel discussion. Whether it’s organizing your CV, documenting your work, developing a website, or submitting a proposal—expert art professionals will offer advice, suggestions and tips and give you the tools you need to put it all together."

Panelists were:
Arlington Arts Center Executive Director, Stefanie Fedor
art photographer Brandon Webster
video artist Camden Place
artist & Project Dispatch co-founder Chandi Kelley